E.Marinella - One of the best ties in the world

”A well tied tie is the first serious step in life” O. Wilde

The origin of the tie is somewhat contentious, but historians think that it came from kravata, a neckwear that Croatian and Osmanian soldiers wore during the 17th century. French king Louis XIV saw these ”scarfs” and really liked them and therefore made his lifeguards wear them.

At this time in history, and of course now aswell, France was a trendsetting country for fashion. So the fashion from France spread to England where english upper-class gentlemen already wore neckwear. But the french tie were considered more elegant so they started to wear the exclusive french one instead.

Alright, that is enough history for today so instead we now focus on one of the most exclusive tiemakers of today to give you some inspiration.

E. Marinella

Marinella ties are most distinguished for its handmade fabrics, unique prints, valuable silk and Italian craftmanship. These are the values embedded in every tie made with care, quality and love- a proud symbol of Naples, Italy. Clients range from head-of-state to local enthusiasts, whom affectionately adorned these timeless pieces for its Italian aesthetic.





