Le Palais Bulles - Just a $390 million US holiday home..
Le Palais Bulles
Near Cannes at Côte d’Azur, more closely in Theole-sur-Mer, there is a very unique mansion called Le Palais Bulles. The owner of this incredible Bubble Palace designed by Hungarian architect Antti Lovag, was the late Italian-born French couturier and art patron Pierre Cardin (1922-2020). The 1200 square foot estate, built between 1975-1989, features a 500 seat amphitheatre, 10 bedrooms, several swimming pools, a panoramic lounge and obviously a spectacular view. The pink Bubble Palace really expresses the architect's ideas of feelings to flow freely and inspiration for round and smooth shapes. To connect this estate to fashion even further, Dior showcased its Cruise Collection in 2015 at a fashion show here. There is a lot more to say about this estate, but we will end this text with a quite astonishing fact as the headline entails: Le Palais Bulles is valued at around $390 million US, yet was used as Cardin’s holiday home!
Le Palais Bulles
Le Palais Bulles