Prada Caffè in Florence

Prada has opened a new location for its Prada Caffè in Florence, Italy. Inspired by the charm of the past, the café exudes a nostalgic ambiance with its retro decor harking back to the 1950s. Vintage wooden tables and wicker chairs invite patrons to unwind and savor a quick snack, while the al fresco seating area bathes in the perpetual warmth of the sun. The establishment features stylish lettering etched on the overhead glass, complemented by wallpapers and curtains reminiscent of the 1960s, drawing from a treasure trove of classic textile designs. The café has an illustrious history, originally established in the 1930s by a local family in Florence, and it quickly gained fame as a beloved summertime destination for Italians seeking seaside delights. Unlike the modern revamps seen elsewhere, the Prada Caffè has carefully preserved its authentic design, maintaining the essence of the original bistro while infusing it with signature brand elements, thoughtfully curated by the esteemed Florentine architect, Michele Bonan. If you happen to find yourself in Florence soon, we cordially invite you to take a moment and experience the Prada Caffè. Indulge in a delightful array of refreshments, including the ever-popular Caprese salads, delectable petite sandwiches, and an assortment of traditional French pastries!"