Brad Pitt's 'Fight Club' Workout

20th Century Fox

20th Century Fox

The muscular look of Brad Pitt’s character Tyler Durden in “Fight Club” is an appearance that a lot of men aspire to, but very few achieve. As a world famous actor the conditions to reach that physique was better than for the rest of us mortals but, of course, there was a dedicated workout routine behind Pitt’s extreme physique.

The training involved four days of targeted weightlifting exercises, two days of extreme cardio, and a day of rest. The workout aims for tone over mass and in addition to targeting specific muscle groups, that also meant lifting lower weights at higher reps. The number of lbs in the workout schedule below, is what Brad Pitt managed to lift in prime shape, so don’t hesitate to lower the weight because the most important thing is that you can maintain the number of reps. If you are up for the task, then scope the following workout routine and proceed towards Brad Pitt’s “Fight Club” physique.

20th Century Fox

20th Century Fox

Monday – Chest

  • Push-ups — Three sets of 25 reps

  • Bench press — 25, 15 and eight reps at 165, 195, 225 lbs

  • Nautilus press — 15 reps at 80, 100, 130 lbs

  • Incline press — 15 reps at 80, 100, 130 lbs

  • Pec deck — 15 reps at 60, 70, 80 lbs

Tuesday – Back

  • 25 pull-ups — Three sets to fatigue

  • Seated rows — Three sets at 75, 80, 85 lbs

  • Lat pulldowns — Three sets at 135, 150, 165 lbs

  • T-bar rows — Three sets at 80, 95, 110 lbs

Wednesday – Shoulders

  • Arnold press — Three sets at 55 lbs

  • Laterals — Three sets at 30 lbs

  • Front raises — Three sets at 25 lbs

Thursday – Biceps & Triceps

  • Preacher curls — Three sets at 60, 80, 95 lbs

  • EZ curls cable — Three sets at 50, 65, 80 lbs

  • Hammer curls — Three sets at 30, 45, 55 lbs

  • Push-downs — Three sets at 70, 85, 100 lbs

Friday & Saturday – Cardio

  • Treadmill — one hour at 80-90% of maximum heart rate